Rob Quist must have been questioned at length about his past financial history by Brian Schweitzer, Steve Bullock and the Democratic power brokers before being selected over a more qualified candidate.
Week after week new revelations have surfaced about Rob Quist and his personal responsibilities. He has 16 years of financial problems brought on by his failure to have health insurance; he failed to report 28 musical tours in order to defraud the government; he failed to report rental properties and he failed to report $57,000 in additional income (by the way the median income in Montana in 2015 was $49,509). As recent as the 2016 tax return, he has revised it at least once and we are only a month since the April 15 filing.
Three huge questions come to mind : Did Rob Quist lie to his Democratic party leaders? Did the Democratic leaders select him in spite of his past failures? When and what will the next revelations be?
This election is far too important to send someone to Washington who can’t or won’t balance his own checkbook, let alone the inability of not being a man of his word.
Larry Ashcraft