GREAT FALLS — A north-central Montana man has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the August 2013 hit-and-run death of a man in a bar parking lot.
The Great Falls Tribune reports Charles Geoffrey Santoro was sentenced on May 26 for the death of 36-year-old Jeremiah “Levi” Rowell outside the Sunburst Vet’s Club.
District Judge James Haynes sentenced Santoro to 20 years with five suspended for negligent homicide, plus two consecutive 10-year terms with five suspended for felony criminal endangerment for a total of 40 years with 15 suspended.
Prosecutors said Santoro and Rowell argued and Rowell believed Santoro then damaged his pickup truck. Rowell reportedly grabbed Santoro by the neck, but was pulled away. Witnesses said Santoro then backed up his pickup and hit Rowell, Tiffany Rowell and Gallup and then drove forward and ran over Rowell and Gallup again.