
Former US Attorney to Investigate Lawyer Misconduct Cases

Office of Disciplinary Counsel handles complaints against lawyers before the state Commission on Practice

By Dillon Tabish

HELENA — The Montana Supreme Court has appointed former U.S. Attorney Michael Cotter as head of the office that investigates and prosecutes misconduct cases against lawyers in the state.

Cotter will replace current Chief Disciplinary Counsel Shaun Thompson, who is retiring after 12 years in the post.

Cotter was one of 45 U.S. attorneys who were forced to resign in March by President Donald because they were Obama administration appointees. Cotter had been the state’s top federal prosecutor since 2009.

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel handles complaints against lawyers before the state Commission on Practice.

Chief Justice Mike McGrath said in a statement Friday that Cotter’s experience is an ideal fit for the position.

Cotter is scheduled to take office on July 3.