
Tax and Spend

The Senate just passed a bill that, among other things, adds a guaranteed $1 trillion dollars to the national debt

By Robert Harris

Here they are again. Those pesky tax-and-spend Democrats throwing obstacles in the way of Republican progress on tax reform. When will they ever learn?

But wait a minute. If we believe that one of Congress’ fiduciary responsibilities is to protect the American taxpayer and good faith in the United States, then tax and spend takes on a different connotation. At least it implies that if we are to buy we need to somehow pay for it. That’s called fiscal responsibility.

The Senate just passed a bill that, among other things, adds a guaranteed $1 trillion dollars to the national debt, and possibly as much as $1.5 trillion, all on the nation’s credit card. I’m sure that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond will forever be grateful for the blessing.

So maybe tax and spend is less an indictment than a virtue. And maybe Democrats should quit running from it and embrace it. At least it offers an alternative to the abyss we are rushing toward.

Robert Harris