I would like to endorse Matt Rosendale’s candidacy for the U.S. Senate. I have personally visited with Matt and based on our discussions I am convinced that he loves America and that he personally honors and respects the U.S. Constitution as the seat of our rights and freedoms. There is no question in my mind that Matt will uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Matt’s views regarding homeland security, border security, the Second Amendment, socialized medicine, U.S. military dominance, U.S. financial and economic dominance, civil rights and the U.S. judicial system reflect and appear consistent with the views of President Donald Trump. Matt is not a native Montanan. He hails from the rural eastern shore of Maryland. Both of us do. But the values of rural Maryland and of rural Montana appear to have common roots: speak the truth; your word is your bond. These roots have successfully served me for 32 years residence in Libby. I wholeheartedly support Matt’s candidacy for this U.S. Senate seat.
Ray Bergroos