I would like to encourage you to elect David Dunn as your Republican representative in the upcoming primary election on June 5. I feel he would be a fair and open representative from the Flathead Valley. I met David Dunn about six months ago and was impressed by his genuine honesty and warm personality. I have found him to be an intelligent individual who is strongly grounded in fundamental conservative values. He is an excellent listener who exhibits heart felt concern and understanding regarding issues important to the people within District 9, as well as the Flathead Valley and the state of Montana. He strives to engage people in meaningful dialogue, listening to varying viewpoints and concerns. Even if your viewpoints differ from his, he is willing to listen to your side of the argument. He is not afraid of challenges as he chose to move here and took on the building of a farm to raise animals and greens to harvest. He is young with young energy and drive to finish what is asked of him.
David has profound respect for both our United States Constitution and our Montana Constitution. As such, David believes in our right to worship as we choose and our right to free speech. He will not be afraid to fight for pro life and our second amendment right to have and bear arms. He is also a fiscal conservative in his belief that we should not spend money we don’t have. These are just a few matters to consider when you vote for the person you want representing you in Helena.
Laura Zentmire