
White Will Preserve Our Liberties

I am convinced he is the candidate who will stand in the defense of liberty

By Bethany Curtis

Having had the pleasure of meeting Jordan White and hearing him speak on several occasions I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to elect him as sheriff. As the chief law enforcement officer in Flathead County, the sheriff has the authority and constitutional duty to uphold the constitution, which includes the power to stop unconstitutional laws from being enforced. Truly, sheriffs stand between citizens and tyranny. I am convinced Jordan White understands the significance of this sworn duty.

In these days of ever increasing threats to our liberties, including enormous threats to our Second Amendment, Jordan White was the only candidate to get an A+ score from the Montana Shooting Sports Association (one other candidate received a C+ while two other received Fs). It is time for us to elect county sheriffs who will defend their citizens from those who seek to strip away our God-given and constitutionally protected rights. Should unconstitutional legislation, gun control or otherwise, come out of Washington we’ll need a truly constitutional sheriff to stand in the defense of liberty.

The county sheriff is elected by, and of the people, and is one of our last lines of defense in the preservation of our liberties. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to vote for Jordan White for Flathead County Sheriff. I am convinced he is the candidate who will stand in the defense of liberty.

Bethany Curtis