A proposal to build a series of condominiums for senior residents is scheduled for a hearing at the Flathead County Planning Board on July 11.
The project, Evergreen Senior Condominiums, would consist of five parcels located behind Shopko in Evergreen on just more than 11 acres. The property is owned by Curtis Lund.
The planning board will hear two requests from Jackola Engineering and Architecture about the project, one to change the zone where the condo complex would be located, and one requesting a planned unit development (PUD) overlay.
The zone change seeks to shift the zone in place from B2, a business zone, and R2, a residential zone, to B3, a zoning option as part of the Evergreen Enterprise Overlay. Already, there are three dwellings on the property.
According to the application, Lund would “like to provide affordable senior living in a condominium-style secure apartment complex.”
Under B3 zoning, multi-family dwellings like apartments and condos are a conditional use, meaning they require a conditional-use permit. The PUD seeks to allow the development to deviate from the maximum building height as required by the B3 zone from 35 feet to 60 feet. The zone change to B3 would need to be in place before a PUD could be considered.
The Flathead County Planning Board will meet July 11 at 6 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the South Campus Building in Kalispell.