Matt Rosendale, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat in Montana, is not very well known to many Montanans. However, he fortunately has a record in the Montana Legislature, which voters should understand. Here are some of the bills which Mr. Rosendale, a land developer, sponsored in the 2011, 2013, and 2015 legislative sessions. Granted, Mr. Rosendale introduced other bills in each legislative session, however his sponsoring self-serving bills to limit land use regulations and assist the development community should give voters pause and concern.
Titles of his sponsored bills include and their disposition are as follows:
Revised county interim zoning laws – 2011 – vetoed
Revise zoning laws for sand and gravel – 2011 – died
Revise interim zoning laws – 2013 – passed
Revise zoning laws for sand and gravel operations – 2013 – vetoed
Provide landlord comply with building code in place at original construction – 2013 – died
Establish the property fairness act – 2013 – died
Generally revise the subdivision laws related to lease or rent requirements – 2013 – passed
I question whether a person with such a self-serving legislative record is what Montanans need in the U.S. Senate. Senator Jon Tester on the other hand has a legislative record of supporting agriculture, veterans, fair banking, Montana’s communities, and many other important and beneficial laws. Senator Tester deserves re-election and Matt Rosendale needs questioning on his legislative record.
Chuck Stearns