
Organization Raising Money for Crisis Nursery in Great Falls

The nursery is an effort to reduce the number of child abuse and neglect cases

By Associated Press

GREAT FALLS — An organization in Great Falls is raising money to open a crisis nursery in an effort to reduce the number of child abuse and neglect cases.

The Great Falls Tribune reports the concept for Toby’s House Crisis Nursery was born after 2-year-old October “Toby” Perez was killed by her mother’s boyfriend in 2011.

The facility would allow parents to drop off children in times of extreme stress or provide an option to leaving the child with an unsafe caregiver. The facility also would provide other parenting services, including housing and drug treatment referrals.

Toby’s House board member Leesha Ford says organizers have a business plan and need to raise nearly $400,000 to buy a building and remodel it.

A similar facility that has served Spokane, Washington for 31 years serves as a model for Toby’s House.