Thank you for Tristan Scott’s excellent article (Oct 10 Beacon: “A Whistleblower’s Journey”). After learning about Jon Mohatt, his struggles for the truth, Kalispell Regional Hospital, the criminal Anti-Kickback Statute, the civil Stark Statute, all the extra monies paid to local physicians, and the $24 million dollar payback, I realized something was missing from his story. That something being no mention of felony criminal indictments or felony convictions for anyone connected to this scam. Another legacy of the 2008 financial crisis is alive and well in Montana today, and no one seems to care.
For anyone reading this, imagine what would happen to you if you had willfully and illegally misspent $24 million dollars, and got caught doing so? Unless you are very wealthy, and are very well politically connected you know the outcome would be prison. Yes, one set of rules for an elite few, and another set of rules for the rest of us. American democracy marches on!
John Marshall
Hot Springs