
Tester has Veterans’ Backs

It is critical that we retain the seniority that Tester has earned

By Diane Inbody

The freedom we enjoy as Americans is due to the sacrifices made by our brave veterans. No one understands this better than Sen. Jon Tester. As the ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee he has the back of every veteran. When the president put forth an unqualified nominee to lead the VA Tester raised critical questions to ensure proper vetting with the result being someone better qualified. In short, our senator was doing his job. Tester has spearheaded congressional oversight that is steadily improving access to and quality of VA health care. If a Montana veteran has an issue with the VA Tester will drop everything to help resolve the matter.

In the Senate seniority is everything. It is critical that we retain the seniority that Tester has earned in furthering the interests of veterans and all Montanans. We may never be able to repay our nation’s debt to our veterans, but with Tester on the job we are making a huge down payment.

Diane Inbody