
Culver Careers Celebrates Whitefish Location

Culver Careers will host an open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony

By Beacon Staff

Culver Careers will host an open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony at its Whitefish location on Dec. 7.

Culver Careers is an executive staffing agency specializing in sales and marketing recruiting, and has an office open in Whitefish at 403 E. Second St, Suite 101. According to Inavero Research, Culver Careers has ranked in the top 1 percent of recruiting firms in North America in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Join the professionals at Culver Careers as they celebrate their Whitefish location. The event begins at 4:45 p.m. on Friday and runs until 8 p.m., and will include free food and drinks as well as live music from Brent Jameson. For more information, visit