I had, in October, charted the quantity of Kalispell home sales by construction vintage; it covered a shorter, more recent sales window over a small area. This chart depicts the Flathead County-wide sales (sold prices between $150,000 and $750,000) across the past four years, by construction decade.
The pre-1940 vintages simply comprise a smaller submarket. The ‘40s through ‘60s vintage homes average around 50 to 60 units per year. But once you hit the ‘70s, you’re doubling the activity of prior vintages — and annual sales quantities are fairly consistent. Add another 50 percent of sales volume for the ‘90s homes, which average a slow annual quantity uptick. Obviously the boom occurred in the 2000s, as in doubling! More of those recent homes trade hands than any other vintage — by a long shot. Homes built in the past nine years? They are second in sales to those of the prior decade, and these newest homes have really shot upward in sales quantities these past two years. How soon before they catch and overtake? The lines (labeled DTC) represent the median days-to-contract, between listing date and going under contract (how fast do they sell), for each vintage and each year (by matching year color).
Richard Dews is CEO of Glacier Flathead Real Estate, a Flathead-based real estate software and services company.