HELENA — A man who previously was the first child pornography suspect named to the FBI’s Most Wanted list has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to watching child porn on a bus traveling across Montana.
U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy also sentenced 67-year-old Eric Franklin Rosser of Ellensburg, Washington, to a lifetime of supervised release on Friday.
Prosecutors say Rosser was arrested after another passenger confronted him for watching porn on his computer in July 2017.
He had $20,000 taped to his legs and $5,000 in his bags. He told investigators he had emptied his bank account.
Rosser is a former keyboardist for John Mellencamp. He made the FBI list in 2000 after jumping bail in an investigation into a child pornography ring.
He was re-arrested in 2001 and released from prison in 2017.