7:20 a.m. A mountain lion was eating a deer in Bigfork.
7:41 a.m. A fax was sent.
9:08 a.m. A stray dog was found in Evergreen.
9:49 a.m. A Kalispell woman reported that she had been poisoned by spies and generals hired by George W. Bush’s administration.
10:06 a.m. A Kalispell man called to complain that someone filled up his trashcan.
11:56 a.m. A Marion man asked his fiancé to move out of his house. It was not going well.
11:59 a.m. A Lakeside couple was fighting.
12:07 p.m. A Marion man’s request that his fiancé move out turned into a breakup.
12:15 p.m. A dog was hit by a car.
12:20 p.m. A Kalispell man found a car in his storage unit. He had no clue where it came from or how it got there.
12:28 p.m. A Kalispell resident called 911 asking if they could speak to a deputy about increasing home prices.
12:45 p.m. A car was abandoned in Evergreen.
1:10 p.m. Someone called 911 to “rant and rave” about the local economy.
1:40 p.m. A Kalispell resident said that the dog they brought to the shelter last week was back in their yard. They wanted some advice on what to do and how to make sure it doesn’t return.
3:24 p.m. A Columbia Falls resident called with concerns that the building their neighbor had painted last fall was leaching yellow paint that was getting into the ground. The woman was worried that the paint would poison her children and dogs.
3:54 p.m. Someone was causing problems in the toy section of a Kalispell department store.
4:25 p.m. Two dogs were fighting in Kalispell.
4:36 p.m. Someone was staring at a Lakeside home, much to the dismay of the people inside that home.
5:38 p.m. A Kalispell man was driving all over the road.
5:39 p.m. Someone complained about parking down at a Somers bar.
6:34 p.m. A backpack was stolen at Burger King.
8:09 p.m. An Olney man called 911 because his houseguest refused to leave.
11:36 p.m. Someone called 911 because their neighbor was having a big bonfire.