9:42 a.m. A local man received a threatening message on Facebook.
11:40 a.m. A dog was barking nonstop.
1:14 p.m. A man was driving all over the road near McDonald’s.
1:52 p.m. A woman pocked-dialed 911.
2:03 p.m. A Kalispell woman said a drone was flying over her as she enjoyed her lunch.
2:19 p.m. A Kalispell man was “thinking of taking things into his own hands.”
2:31 p.m. An ex-felon apparently amassed a large collection of guns much to the dismay of law enforcement.
2:42 p.m. A Columbia Falls dog bit a woman.
3:25 p.m. A Californian was driving like a jerk through Bigfork.
3:56 p.m. A car accident looked “serious.”
4:07 p.m. A lawn mower was stolen in Kalispell.
5:16 p.m. A man found a gun in an empty lot across from his house.
5:51 p.m. A group of teens were “drinking and causing problems.”
6:03 p.m. A local man said a number of items were stolen from him over the winter but he wasn’t quite sure what.
6:04 p.m. A phone and a wallet were stolen out of a parked car.
7:31 p.m. A Kalispell man was getting annoyed that his neighbor was shooting guns toward his house.
9:23 p.m. Youths were reportedly doing suspicious things along Idaho Street. Turns out they were making a music video.
11:06 p.m. A dispatcher heard what sounded like someone in distress in Lakeside during a 911 call. Upon further investigation, it turns out a few people were wine drunk but otherwise everything was cool.