Citizens for a Better Flathead (CFBF) would like to say thank you. Thank you to all the supporters, donors, volunteers and believers. Your donations and passion have made a difference in the Flathead Valley. You have assisted CFBF by supporting measured thoughtful land use, keeping recycling alive, water diversion efforts and helping vibrant local businesses remain active and relevant.
As we announced earlier, CFBF has been faced with expenses consistently exceeding our income and our board made the very difficult decision to suspend operations and close the office. We did not come to this decision lightly. We did not come to this decision without angst and sadness. It is a matter of expense dollars not matching the fundraising dollars. We continue to believe in the importance and relevance of the work Citizens has done in the past. We simply were/are not able to move forward at this time.
In honor of the work and belief in Citizens we invite you to a forum to be held on October 1 at 6 p.m. at McGarvey Law Offices in Kalispell.
Wendy Coyne, board president
Citizens for a Better Flathead