Drilling into Kalispell single-family home sales this past 12 months (sold prices $150,000 to $650,000), we see that more homes built since 2000 were sold than older vintages. Homes built since 2015 sold in the greatest quantity (blue bars, left range) –and for the most median dollars per square foot (green line, left range).
The orange line (right range) shows that 1925 and 1935 vintages were snapped up fastest (within a week), followed by 1930-era homes. Over half of the vintages were taken in a month or less. 1980s vintage homes were longest on market, but still only a paltry two months. You can get something for $120 a square foot in Kalispell, but most built within the last quarter century are bringing $160 a square foot – and the latest are now pushing $200 a square foot!
The gold line (right range) indicates median square footage in hundreds of feet. You can see that most homes sold during this past year, built over the last 70 years, have around 2,000 square foot. At the very bottom of the chart, you’ll find the median sold price per vintage – the latest of which is approaching $400,000.
Richard Dews is CEO of Glacier Flathead Real Estate, a Flathead-based real estate software and services company.