HELENA — A man was killed Friday when an Amtrak passenger train collided with the spraying tractor he was driving across the tracks at a crossing near Bainville in northeastern Montana, Roosevelt County officials said.
The crash happened at 10:40 a.m., said Amtrak spokesperson Marc Magliari. The train was off the tracks, but remained upright, he said.
Magliari said he knew of no serious injuries among passengers or crew members, although the train’s engineer suffered some cuts. The 64 westbound passengers will be given alternate transportation, Magliari said.
The tracks will remain closed for investigation and any needed repairs, leading to some additional shuffling of Amtrak Empire Builder passengers Friday and Saturday, Magliari said.
The Montana Highway Patrol is investigating the fatal crash. The name of the driver has not been released. The railroad crossing did not have arms, Roosevelt County officials said.