Back in February, we presented a chart showing the Flathead County single-family residence sale speeds (in median days from listing to contract), and sold price percentage of original list price, by month listed. Let’s go broader and more inclusive this week, comparing county-wide the median speeds (days from listing to contract, depicted as lines with markers) and quantities of home sales (depicted as bars, using left axis) for January through May, 2016 through 2020 — by month sold.
The print copy of the Beacon allows only one chart, so we chose the SFR chart as representing the most sales. However, for those of you interested in townhouses and condos, the online Beacon has an animated GIF (at the bottom of this column) including those charts. All sales inclusions ranged in original list price between $150,000 and $699,999.
SFR sale quantities were relatively flat, over these past five years, for homes sold in January, February and April. The anomalies were March and May quantity trends — stair-stepping upward in March, but significantly downward in May. Days from listing to contract dropped big time in March 2020 compared to prior years, and keep shortening since then. Townhouse sales shot upward, January and February 2020; May seems back to normal. Condo sales enjoy the tightest (and lowest) range of days from listing to contract in May.
GIF (alternating charts every 10 seconds):

Richard Dews is CEO of Glacier Flathead Real Estate, a Flathead-based real estate software and services company.