Over the last 30 years I have had the opportunity to serve the Flathead community in a number of ways, including serving on the Kalispell City Council for 14 years, and serving on numerous boards. My focus has always been on seeking practical solutions to the problems at hand.
For the last six years I have lived in the North Fork, in House District 3. I have gotten to watch our current representative Debo Powers serving her community in many ways. This includes participating in the collaborative work of the Whitefish Range Partnership, which succeeded in establishing a sustainable yield of forest products and preserving high quality recreational opportunities in the Flathead National Forest. Having been a public school principal, Debo knows how to keep the reigns on multi-million dollar budgets. Like me, she considers herself a problem solver – not an ideologue.
This current election has been dramatically impacted by the COVID-19 virus. Unfortunately, this has placed our local candidates at a great disadvantage in terms of going door to door and participating in candidate forums. I would ask that my fellow constituents in House District 3 – whether living in Columbia Falls, the Canyon, or the North Fork – take the time to become acquainted with Debo, as you will find her experience, values, and willingness to comprise a welcome and refreshing relief in this era of divisiveness. Please take a few minutes and I’m sure you will find her a most worthy candidate to continue to represent us in the November election.
Randy Kenyon