I resent the implication that those of us who opt not to wear a mask aren’t decent neighbors. A recent letter-writer asked us to look beyond appearances, and urged us not to make false assumptions regarding his choice to wear a mask. I would like to ask that those of us out and about around town without masks be given that same consideration.
I also have a health issue. However, mine doesn’t affect my immune system, but rather my ability to breathe. The surgery needed to correct this was put on hold in April, and has only recently been able to be rescheduled. As I navigate these last days before my admission to the hospital, I also ask to not be judged, or even harassed, as a perceived bad neighbor.
As the writer admirably requested in his letter, “consider that you don’t know my weakness any more than I know yours, and just show some kindness. Maybe even some respect.”
So yes, I will gladly refrain from making assumptions about those of you wearing masks, but I’m going to ask that you kindly do the same for me.
Bethany Curtis