12:30 a.m. A woman believed her neighbors were telling their kids to noisily play basketball in the middle of the night in an effort to annoy her.
5:44 a.m. A concerned caller said law enforcement needed to conduct an immediate search of a Kalispell hotel because drugs were being sold there. When informed officers can’t just search the hotel based on her assertion, she became angry and hung up.
6:30 a.m. Another call came in to report drug sales at a Kalispell hotel. This time, the woman said that if law enforcement “didn’t so something about it” she was going to alert the media.
9:18 a.m. A man wearing a blue bandana, blue shirt and no pants was showing employees at the animal shelter his nipple ring.
10:32 a.m. A woman’s husband took her keys and won’t give them back.
10:57 a.m. A storage unit was rummaged through.
11:07 a.m. Someone had questions about getting their 23-year-old daughter out of the house.
7:53 p.m. An abandoned campsite was starting to smell.
9:19 p.m. Two dogs known to be aggressive toward deer were on the loose.
9:57 p.m. The new neighbors were doing drugs.