12:41 a.m. A man wanted the guy outside to be quiet so he could sleep.
7:16 a.m. Purses filled with random stuff were found.
7:18 a.m. A woman wanted to know what to do with a shed full of cats.
9:23 a.m. A dog got into some sheep.
9:48 a.m. Mail was stolen in Bigfork.
9:55 a.m. A landlord was concerned because their tenant was acting strange and talking to trees.
9:57 a.m. Two bloodhounds that bark all night long were still barking.
10:33 a.m. Cat bite.
12:50 p.m. A man lost his wallet while getting his taxes done.
1:14 p.m. A caller wanted to know what her rights are when it comes to wearing a mask at the hospital.
1:54 p.m. Two tents were found at a cemetery.
1:59 p.m. An accidental 911 call revealed that a woman was talking about doing “funky things.”
2:18 p.m. A black dog has been rummaging through trash for the last hour.
2:25 p.m. A stray dog was reported to be friendly.
3:07 p.m. A man who was dancing and spinning in the park was counseled about public urination.
4:21 p.m. A dispute over the placement of political signs devolved into accusations of poop throwing.
5:55 p.m. Two dogs were on the loose and their owners didn’t care.
6:14 p.m. A car was driving too slowly.
6:18 p.m. A man was sitting in the grass with a lot of stuff around him.
6:36 p.m. Someone keeps driving past a man’s house and giving his surveillance cameras the finger.
7:07 p.m. A Kalispell homeowner was concerned about the man parked outside “watching the sunset” since it was not yet sunset.
9:08 p.m. Fifty motorcycles and ATVs drove past a house.
9:09 p.m. A woman tried to return a pack of cigarettes.
9:25 p.m. A woman calling from Alaska warned about the Hell’s Angels.
9:34 p.m. A neighbor firing some nighttime arrows said he “wasn’t hurting anybody.”
9:52 p.m. Brian pushed someone.
10:06 p.m. A woman thought she was about to be robbed because she could hear people walking outside.
10:33 p.m. A trooper looking for cows didn’t see any cows.