President Donald Trump has failed America. His enablers in Congress, including U.S. Sen. Steve Daines and Rep. Greg Gianforte, could have exerted influence, but did not.
Trump and his enablers failed to implement a national plan to limit the impact of Covid-19 when its presence became known in the United States. Trump still has no national plan as cases dramatically increase in the U.S., while cases dramatically decreased in other countries.
Trump and his enablers failed to promote health care for Montanans by vigorously opposing the Affordable Care Act and increases in Medicaid coverage. Those increases in Medicaid are necessary to keep our rural hospitals open.
Trump and his enablers are failing to promote a future strong economy for working Americans. They passed a huge tax break for the super-rich and now want to shortchange middle-class America with reduced unemployment benefits, no additional aid for states and localities, no funding to ensure fair elections, and inadequate funding and management for our post offices.
Trump and his enablers failed to negotiate international trade deals that would benefit Montana producers with higher commodity prices. Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a pact that would have increased income for America’s producers by more than $4 billion per year, and Trump’s tariffs decimated our agricultural trade with China. Markets that producers built with their commodity check-off dollars have now gone to our competitors and will take years to rebuild.
When your hired hands work against your economic interests, you fire them and hire someone new. It’s time to vote for Joe Biden, Steve Bullock, Kathleen Williams and Mike Cooney.
Ron de Yong