How much money does it take to get elected to a statewide office in Montana? Can an election be bought? Just ask Tim Fox or Al Olszewski. Greg Gianforte, the Republican candidate for governor, knows how to buy an election. He has put more than $2.5 million of his own money hoping to buy the Montana governor’s office. To him $2.5 million is just chicken feed. Does character matter any more? Is it just inconsequential that in 2017 Gianforte was convicted of assault on a reporter and later lied to authorities about the assault? Is this the best we can do for a candidate for Montana governor? What about Troy Downing, Republican candidate for Montana state auditor, convicted of illegal hunting? He also thinks Montana is for sale. There is a disconcerting trend in politics in general, and Montana specifically, where it is becoming more difficult for a working class Montanan to get elected if they are up against a wealthy opponent regardless of their character. Money seems to matter more than character. Then there is Donald J. Trump. He is the person that redefines character, what a role model for our children.
Craig McClure