Out-of-state groups are running ads in our state that are blatantly wrong and deliberately twist the facts about Gov. Steve Bullock. We really need to clean up this practice. That’s why I was so relieved to see members of the COVID advisory council release an op-ed that corrects the lies and deceit we’ve seen lately.
Bullock brought together Montanans from across the state to help make recommendations. Only a portion of those chosen contributed to Bullock over the years while most of the members were Sen. Steve Daines’ supporters and donors. Bullock knows how to bring people together who disagree with him and put aside partisan politics to focus on helping the people of Montana.
The advisory board included public input on the best ways to spend the federal funds given to Montana, processing 1,400 public comments and carefully including them in their decision making. The process was transparent and ensured the speedy distribution of funds; not at all the story the out-of-staters tell.
Bullock’s priorities are clearly in the right place. He’s proven that he’s willing to rise above politics, bring folks together, and do what’s right for Montana. We need to send Bullock to Washington.
Doug Rosholt