When what’s left of our democracy falls completely apart, we can fault Sen. Steve Daines, along with many of his fellow Republicans in the U.S. Senate. They have been enablers, helping President Donald Trump disparage the rule of law, stoking our country with hate and division, and spilling the blood of our once healthy society’s very sense of being. Had all the members of Congress taken seriously their vows to protect the United States Constitution we would not be in the disassembled state that currently exists. Donald Trump has exercised his willingness to destroy with the aid of Daines, Mitch McConnell and other enablers.
It is not overstating it to say that we have but one last chance to save our country. Vote the Republicans out of office. Vote for Steve Bullock, vote for Kathleen Williams, vote for Mike Cooney, and vote for your Democratic choices up and down the line. The price to pay, should we lose this election, is more painful than the imagination can conjure.
Eugene Beckes
St. Ignatius