We can do better than waiting for herd immunity.
We’re not in the 1300s when herd immunity was the only option for handling a pandemic; let a disease run rampant through a population and survivors will establish a new post-infection society.
It’s 2020 and we have a lot more tools. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, using imaging, physician communication, and data tracking, we learned that lives could be saved by using anticoagulants and dexamethasone. They’re now common and effective treatments. While a vaccine isn’t imminent, it’s coming. New medications are continually being developed, like those given to the president during his hospitalization.
Models predict that relying on herd immunity to develop would mean overloaded hospitals and enormous numbers of deaths. Why do that? Every roadblock to infection transmission allows time to develop more new treatment and prevention tools.
I want my state governor to support efforts to treat and protect us. My vote goes to Mike Cooney, who promotes using public health tools. His opponent has the archaic idea of awaiting herd immunity as if it were the Middle Ages and nothing else could be done.
Stephanie Brancati
Big Arm