To say “three Flathead County commissioners don’t believe in masks” seems like an oversimplification of the situation. Evil people are trying to restructure our society and worldwide economies around a virus with a 99% survival rate. There is clear evidence of fraud with the COVID death count just like our national election.
Your science defeats your own argument. People who are sick should wear the mask, that’s about it. The rest of our elderly and at-risk population are depriving their bodies of precious life-giving oxygen and are often creating a bacteria incubator on their face to interact in polite society. Do you really think people are using the masks correctly like your studies? How much more misery will our society endure for central health planning?
What is illogical about being weary of an industry that has been legally indemnified in a court of law for damages by their product? Has your proud heart investigated the silent autism epidemic in our nation? Do you understand the exponential increase of vaccine schedules for our nation’s children? And ultimately do you understand the adjuvants in vaccines can do real damage to a person’s body? Will doctors ever discuss nutrition again or is it always the vaccine?
What’s more dangerous is your logic, bullying Dr. Annie Bukacek and the three women for taking a position counter to yours and demanding people agree with your blind faith in multinational pharmaceutical corporations. If you trust the vaccine, take it, it’s the first of its type to use mRNA to reprogram cells in the body. Cancer reprograms cells too. Not to mention these vaccines usually use aborted fetal cell lines, that’s morally wrong in my heart.
I had the virus. It took about four days to beat. The body aches hurt, but it was just another virus. Not a lethal bioweapon the videos from Wuhan led us to believe.
Please stop pretending belittling people is a productive adult argument. What’s more politically dangerous? Forcing people to wear masks and take vaccines against their own will or trusting people with their own choices?
David Dunn