2:04 a.m. An intoxicated man had his keys and jacket stolen by a friend who didn’t want him to drive.
6:45 a.m. A West Glacier woman out for a morning run was yelled at by a strange man.
7:08 a.m. Dogs were chasing deer.
7:30 a.m. A man was not getting along with his girlfriend.
9:03 a.m. Someone in South Carolina coerced a Marion man to share nude photos of himself.
9:07 a.m. A man walked into a house and harassed a Somers man because of “some unknown situation.”
9:31 a.m. Mail was stolen.
12:22 p.m. A woman was getting harassed for bringing a puppy to the dog park.
12:42 p.m. A dog and a kid were playing too rough.
1:21 p.m. A man was upset the post office wouldn’t deliver his mail.
1:38 p.m. A woman called back to clarify that the item that hit her windshield was a metal Yeti coffee mug and not a rock because it left a mark “the perfect circle size of a tumbler.”
1:40 p.m. A man trying to turn down his music accidentally called 911.
2:14 p.m. A man contracted to make deliveries for Amazon was accused of “casing” a Kalispell neighborhood.
2:18 p.m. Dogs were running around the woods in Polebridge.
4:37 p.m. A vehicle was stuck on a boulder.
6:02 p.m. A woman dialed 911, then warned her dad she would “call the cops” because he put her dog outside and told dispatchers to “hold on.”
6:59 p.m. A Bigfork man found a dog on his porch.
10:32 p.m. When asked if Roger Rabbit was his real name, a rude man said, “yeah, do you think that’s funny?” and started cursing.
11:11 p.m. A small child dialed 911 and started mashing buttons.
11:34 p.m. A report of loud skateboarders was unfounded.