Every day I hear on the news about COVID-19 and how bad Flathead County is and how so many people up there are refusing to wear masks. It’s “their right,” blah blah blah. Well you are a bunch of inconsiderate, selfish people when you believe only in your rights and not the rights of others. What you do or don’t do hurts other people. Well, us more considerate careful people can of course “just stay home” as I was once told. That is just what I am doing along with others who care about our health and the health of friends and our loved ones. If everyone was being more careful we could be out and about a bit more. I would be Christmas shopping in Kalispell, getting lunch before heading back home in the Mission Valley.
Your lack of consideration means that there are businesses who are losing income because we will not go shopping or out to eat. When your favorite bar is shut down, your rights will not matter any more and your favorite place may go out of business thanks to you and others exercising their rights. This is a variation on “trickle down economics.” The worse things get, courtesy of the selfish, insensitive and self-centered, the more likely businesses are to get shut down, some of them for good. Then your rights to not wear a mask and spew germs everywhere will not matter. Your favorite bar will be shut down and your friendly local bartender will be unemployed. Think about that.
Vicky MacLean