
Claims Have No Grounding in Reality

Do your civic duty. Wear a mask and social distance. It isn’t that hard.

By Tony Pritchard

In a recent issue of the Beacon, a gentleman from Kalispell made a flurry of claims, all of which had no grounding in reality. I would like to clarify a few things for anyone who read such nonsense and deemed it a reasonable opinion.

Let’s start by settling two of these. There is ZERO evidence of widespread fraud in the national election – even the president’s lawyers have admitted so when under oath in various courts. You can find this in the court’s transcripts. Next, there is no autism epidemic and linking such a thing to vaccines is lazy, ignorant, and dangerous in a time when we are all anticipating a very important vaccine. Even the author of the original paper, which linked vaccines to autism recanted his claims and eventually lost his medical license. There is simply no evidence to such a claim.

Here’s the thing about science. It doesn’t matter if you agree. It isn’t something you believe in. It isn’t faith for a reason. Science is based on evidence, testing, and analysis of results. That’s it. Whatever videos you found on YouTube aren’t research – they’re conspiracy theories.

Masks have been proven to be an effective counter to this respiratory virus. Other comparable countries have done significantly better than us because their people aren’t obsessed with nonsense. They trust scientists, doctors, researchers, and journalists who are transparent about their practices. It isn’t that difficult. A mask isn’t an infringement on one’s freedom. It’s a piece of cloth. Doctors and surgeons literally wear them all day. They are sacrificing their lives working the front lines and you throw a tantrum over a mask. You aren’t a patriot and you aren’t some harbinger of truth. You’re a selfish brat if you aren’t willing to help fight this. You’re a cinder block weighing on our country as we try to keep from drowning. You’re a burden upon our society.

Lastly, why is the Flathead Beacon printing such nonsense? Why are they printing it right next to two letters asking community members to mask up as if they are valid competing opinions? The more we give a platform to such nonsense, the more normal and accepted it becomes. Do your civic duty. Wear a mask and social distance. It isn’t that hard. Stop acting like it is.

Tony Pritchard