
House Republicans Unified to Fulfill Montana’s Conservative Mandate

Thank you for the opportunity to serve

By Wylie Galt

This election, Montanans sent a clear message to Helena that they expect Republican leaders to be unified in reforming the way state government does business. Montana voters elected the first Republican governor in 16 years and expanded Republican majorities in the Montana Legislature. This November, I was elected Speaker of the Montana House of Representatives by my Republican colleagues and I am both honored and committed to achieving our conservative mandate.

As Speaker-elect, I am already working with House leaders to ensure that critical bills to expand gun rights, reduce burdensome regulations, lower taxes, protect life, fix our healthcare system, and strengthen Montana’s economy, make it through the House. Montana House Republicans will be prepared on day one of the legislative session to accomplish what the voters sent us to Helena to do.

I am proud of the recognitions that I have received from organizations such as the American Conservative Union. Last session I received their highest award for conservative excellence and I will continue this leadership in 2021. My conservative values confidently guide my decision-making. The Montana House is a great deliberative body and as Republicans we are unified in our conservative goals for the upcoming legislative session. I am also dedicated to ensuring that all members of our caucus have a voice and shared policy priorities are successful.

We must work together if we are to achieve a successful Montana comeback that our constituents expect. I implore all Republicans in the House, the Senate, and now in the governor’s office to join me this session in achieving conservative victories for Montana.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Wylie Galt