1:44 a.m. A man honked his horn for a minute straight.
2:16 a.m. A person was growling.
4:54 a.m. A porch caught fire for the second day in a row.
8:59 a.m. A man was “afraid bears will come” because someone left a pile of garbage in his yard.
10:01 a.m. A woman accused of stealing her ex’s car keys and throwing them in a pond said it was an April Fools joke.
10:06 a.m. A man received a package but nothing was inside.
12:57 p.m. Someone put sand in a man’s motor.
3:52 p.m. When a passerby asked the man sleeping at the bus stop if he was OK, the man responded with something about sleeping.
5:12 p.m. A lost wagon was found.
6:24 p.m. A prisoner told his ex-wife that the cops were looking for her.
10:34 p.m. Five large animals were in a very small house.