A big raspberry to the Kalispell City Council and city manager for wasting an entire Monday evening, fretting over one council member’s posts on Facebook. The council member’s posts have been informative, accurate, professional and community minded. They are also protected by the First Amendment. For some reason this offends someone at city hall. What a childish tizzy fit. The agenda called it a “work session.” Really? What work was done? Can we leave this pseudo-issue behind and move on to something that actually matters?
Here is a topic worthy of attention: why are cyclists, children, people with disabilities and folks who do not drive still forced to walk in a gutter to get up or down Buffalo Hill? There are other issues facing Kalispell, too. Like the fact it is getting harder for anyone to own or rent a home on a working-person’s wage. What is the plan, folks? I know these issues are not easy, but at least they are relevant to people’s lives. Unlike the Facebook kerfuffle.
This is less than a “do-nothing” council. It is a “waste time and money” council. It is hard work to waste tax dollars like this!
Ben Long