12:10 a.m. A man wanted to know where he could sleep that he wouldn’t be woken up by “tweakers.”
7:44 a.m. Some loud dogs only stop barking when they are fed.
8:28 a.m. Drugs were stolen.
8:48 a.m. Two women stole some cosmetics.
9:06 a.m. Someone was sleeping near the deli.
9:31 a.m. A small vial of meth was confiscated.
9:37 a.m. A mischievous driver moved a barricade with a no trespassing sign and drove on.
11:18 a.m. An ex-girlfriend was moving out and taking things that weren’t hers.
11:56 a.m. A man who had been naked was now dressed.
11:59 a.m. A man was urinating where everyone could see him.
1:37 p.m. The new owners of a used camper wanted a refund.
3:44 p.m. A man who lived next to a honey-harvesting operation was extremely upset about the bees.
4:20 p.m. A dog lying in the back seat of a car, soaking up rays through an open sunroof, appeared to be “fine.”
5:22 p.m. A screaming neighbor told a child to “stop slamming the damn door.”
8:08 p.m. A woman in the parking lot was yelling at no one.