
Some People Just Don’t Get the Point

The point here is NOT freedom of speech, as the author of the article professes

By Constance Neumann

I was astonished at the Dec. 8 editorial entitled “Selective Free Speech” wherein the author attempted to draw a parallel about freedom of speech between films about the Holocaust and pornography directed at our youth.

The author reprimands the Library Board saying “…don’t tell this community how radical the library is because it houses a few books someone might find offensive.”

“Someone?” Since when has pornography, graphic violence and obscenity NOT been offensive to the overwhelming majority, especially when it targets our vulnerable children?

The U.S. Department of Justice website states: “… visual representations such as drawings, cartoons or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexual activity and are obscene are … illegal under federal law.” And “obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violation of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses.”

Taxpayer library money can be put to much better use than defending obscenity lawsuits. The books the library is considering are entitled “Lawn Boy” and “Gender Queer.” Amazon reviews include comments such as “This is pornography!” “Absolutely disgusting!”, “This is indoctrination!”, and “Disgusting and not suitable for children!”.

I urge parents and grandparents to do their own review. If you find the content to be offensive and undermining to your family values, be advised that the Library Board will be voting on putting these books on the shelves at their meeting at the library on Jan. 13 at 9 a.m.

The point here is NOT freedom of speech, as the author of the article professes. The point is doing the right thing to protect our impressionable youth from pornography and obscenity.

Constance Neumann