In a letter to the editor published on Feb. 13, 2022, a critic of mine was stunned by my statement that democracy is not the goal of government, but a methodology that has failed as miserably as socialism. What is stunning about this is the writer’s implicit assertion that the Founders created a democracy. They did no such thing. They created a Representative Republic designed to protect the rights of all; something that democracies had failed to do throughout history. To the question of what I offer as a better alternative to democracy, the answer is the U.S. Constitution as written. In other words, a Representative Republic, which we already have, but must be protected from the progressives who would destroy it.
My critic takes exception to my proposal that elected community boards be partisan because she recognizes the truth to my assertion that progressives want to hide their true beliefs knowing that they do not coincide with Montana’s values. Appointed boards are partisan since the partisan-elected county commissioners appoint them.
It is important that all Montanans recognize the duplicitous and deceiving language that progressives try to use to promote their agenda. Their claim that our Founders created a democracy and that it is the goal is just such a tactic.
Rep. John Fuller