A river is rising. A river of justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Contributing to this river rising is the candidacy of Constance Neumann, running for Montana House of Representatives for District 9. I heard Constance Neumann speak at a March Pachyderm meeting (open to all). I saw a person who could and would represent me and my family with high-caliber intelligence, truth, conviction, boldness, and grace. Constance Neumann stands for life (from conception), freedom for all, small business, private property rights, limited government, Montana State and United States Constitutions, state’s rights versus federal overreach, judicial reform, importance of family integrity, and Constitutional originalism (including Article Five). Therefore, I see a rising river of judicial reform (against justices blocking the will of the people enacted by state legislation), of a safe zone for life (especially protecting the unborn against abortion), and of replacing unfaithful RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) with true Constitutional conservatives. May this river of justice, mercy and faithfulness continue to rise with high-quality candidates across Montana and this wonderful nation, the United States of America.
Please vote in the Primary Election Tuesday, June 7.
Mark Rice