Growing a small business in the Flathead Valley requires vision, patience, and practical wisdom. I know this from my own experience building a farming operation and I’ve observed these qualities in in my lifelong friend, Courtenay Sprunger.
Courtenay and I shared a pretty special childhood. We fed the critters, lassoed chickens from on top of the brooder house (we never got one, but we never gave up) and we built forts in the hayloft. Then, there was the battle with the barnyard roosters. Spurs out, they had us on the run until the day Courtenay turned and took a run at them. They scattered like marbles, and we never had trouble again. Those same courageous, determined qualities have followed Courtenay for all the years I’ve known her – through grade school, high school, college and now as the owner of a successful business in this valley
The two of us share a lot of values, many of them formed during our childhood in Creston. Neighbor helped neighbor, “business relationships” consisted of a handshake and Montana was the best place to live. Though the demographics of this valley have changed since then time, I don’t believe that it means we have to change those values. That’s one of the reasons I support Courtenay in her run for the state Legislature.
Like Courtenay, I feel strongly about preserving Montana’s way of life. It will take a visionary leader to preserve what we have while addressing our community’s growing needs. Over the years I’ve known her, Courtenay Sprunger has been a go-getter and a natural leader. I believe we need her fair-minded and respectful approach now more than ever; she would make an exceptional representative.
Tryg Koch