
Huestis Has the Balanced Judgment We Need 

As state senator, Lee will keep his focus on the basic needs of the people he is running to represent

By Bob Brown

Lee Huestis is a Republican candidate in Senate District 4. I have known Lee’s family and Lee for close to five decades. I personally know Lee to be deeply honest and earnest. He lives his values. Lee is a workhorse, not a show-horse.  

As state senator, Lee will keep his focus on the basic needs of the people he is running to represent. Lee is a lifelong Republican who I particularly admire because he has also always been an independent thinker. If elected, he will not be a party zealot. The Lee Huestis I know is motivated by deep thought and hard work. He will be nobody’s man but his own.

Lee followed me by a few years as the advisor to the Teenage Republican Club at Flathead High School. I spotted him then as a perfect role model for idealistic young people interested in becoming involved in our democratic system.  

Politics was far less polarized in the years I served in the state Senate. Lee Heustis has the deep and balanced judgment that is exactly what we need again in the state senate.

Bob Brown