
Holmquist Does Her Homework on the Issues

She listens well, and treats all with respect, much more than any of her predecessors

By Greg Stevens

I have known personally and worked with every county commissioner for nearly 25 years – going back to Howard Gipe and Dale Williams.

During that time I served and am still serving on the Flathead County Planning Board and the Flathead County Tax Appeal Board. I do this because I don’t like to see individual private property owners or county taxpayers subjected to any possible arrogant abuse from unelected bureaucrats. I have been successful most of the time.

Pam Holmquist is of the highest quality of those I have been associated with. She is knowledgeable, hardworking, always investigates and does her homework on issues. She listens well, and treats all with respect, much more than any of her predecessors.

For the first time, no Democrat is running for commissioner, obviously because one would not win. However, there is a well-funded negative campaign against Pam. I have seen this playbook before. Jack Fallon is the beneficiary of this well-funded negative stealth campaign. This raises the question: is Jack Fallon a Republican in name only? My experience and investigation lead me to believe that he is.  

I hope this well-funded negative campaigning doesn’t prevail and deprive the residents of Flathead County of the best most conservative commissioner we have had.

Greg Stevens