I will be supporting Jack Fallon for Flathead County commissioner in the upcoming election. Jack is a public servant who has quietly volunteered his time to serve our community for decades. He has served as President of the Evergreen Fire District where he successfully worked to build a new fire station. As President of the Evergreen Water and Sewer Board, he worked to get a new sewage collection system. He has served as vice chair of the School District 5 Board where he is currently chairman of the Finance Committee and Technology Committee. He has had a successful career as a financial planner. Somehow, he also managed to find time to be a youth soccer and hockey referee.
Jack is a detail person, who researches issues thoroughly and elicits and welcomes different points of view before making important decisions. Contrast his experience and approach to governance with Pam Holmquist.
During Pam Holmquist’s tenure she approved illegal permits to the “Bridge to Nowhere,” and a resort on Lake Five, along with a heavily contested bottling plant. These poor decisions have cost taxpayers and individuals directly affected by these decisions tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
Appointment to the Health and Library Boards of people with little expertise in these roles have resulted in resignations and chaos. Holmquist and her fellow commissioners turned down the Sheriff’s request for more deputies despite rising crime and a 15% increase in population in recent years. $500,000 in recreational and medical cannabis made available from the state was turned down. A popular trail plan with wide community support was also turned down.
Last but not least, Holmquist would not even back a grant application for much needed sidewalks to schools in her own district of Evergreen.
It is time for new leadership with someone who has the demonstrated experience and commitment to serve the Flathead. Jack Fallon is that person.
Sally Cameron-Russell