We just returned from a quick trip to the Flathead visiting our daughter and our old friends. It was a wonderful trip, and it is always good to be back in beautiful Montana. However, we did have one disturbing incident happen that I’d like to address.
After having dinner at one of our old favorites, Nickle Charlies, we returned to our car and found a magnetic card stuck to it that read, “Hey Oregon, Montana is full, go home and take your bull**** with you.” I’ll assume that this wasn’t left by a member of the Flathead Indian Tribe, so I found it to be offensive.
Our Oregon license plate is in a University of Montana license plate holder, where my wife graduated. We lived in Kalispell for over 20 years. Our daughter was born and raised in the Flathead Valley. My grandparents homesteaded in Montana in 1907, moved to Kalispell in the 1950’s and are buried at the local cemetery. All of that, and more, give me reasons to be offended. I doubt that whoever put the sign on our car is anymore from Montana than the rest of us. Really, we all came from someplace else.
I would just like to have good positive thoughts about Montana and the good people that live there. I’m sorry that one ignorant and misinformed person made me feel, for a minute, that wasn’t true. I know better. Thank you.
Rich Kraft
Astoria, Oregon