Glacier Park

Florida Man Dies While Climbing Rising Wolf Mountain

The 79-year-old fell while attempting to climb a steep, off-trail slope in Glacier National Park

By Maggie Dresser

A 79-year-old Florida man on Monday morning fell to his death after he attempted ascending a steep, off-trail slope while climbing Rising Wolf Mountain, according to a National Park Service (NPS) press release.

The man was climbing with a group of friends several hundred feet above the Two Medicine Campground on Rising Wolf Mountain. Members of his party descended to his location, yelled for help and called 911. The Glacier County Sheriff’s Office diverted the call to Glacier National Park

After hearing campers shout for help, NPS staff responded to the incident and Two Bear Air diverted from a separate call to transport the unconscious patient to Two Medicine Ranger Station. ALERT was standing by at the station for patient care and responders declared the man deceased.

Glacier County Sheriff’s Office, ALERT and Two Bear Air assisted in the response.