Justice Ingrid Gustafson is the right choice to remain on the Montana Supreme Court. She is a fair, impartial, and independent jurist, and she upholds the rule of law and the independence of the Montana judiciary. She has tremendous experience as a judge and as an attorney, and she does not allow her personal views or bias to interfere with her work as a Montana Supreme Court Justice.
Since being sworn in as a Montana Supreme Court Justice on January 1, 2018, she has written dozens of Supreme Court opinions applying the Montana Constitution fairly, including one that upheld the conviction of a pipeline protester.
Further, Justice Gustafson is well-known throughout the Montana legal community, and worked tirelessly to combat drug abuse and increase drug treatment resources in Montana during her prior role as a district court judge. Because of this, she is close to the people of Montana and depends on local grassroots support across the entire state.
Justice Gustafson is smart, kind, and a great role model because she takes her job seriously and the role of an impartial, independent judiciary seriously. Our Montana legal system would be much less fair and equal without Justice Gustafson.
Dan Eakin