
Bukacek Committed to Montana Citizens 

Dr. Annie Bukacek is committed to making Montana citizens the No. 1 most important special interest group

By Scotia Brosnan

At an recent Pachyderm meeting Dr. Annie Bukacek, who is running for the PSC 5, dispelled the media mythology that has deceived many into believing the simple “power vs ecosystem” equation: fossil fuels = bad; solar and wind = good. It’s not quite that simple, as ALL forms of power production create problems with the ecosystem.

Dr. Bukacek’s PowerPoint presentation included photos of dumpsters and landfills full of solar panels and wind turbine blades that have to be replaced at least every 15 to 20 years.

The batteries that theoretically can provide a level of baseload electricity from solar have to be replaced as well. And, wherever they are dumped, they and all the solar panels leak toxic waste. Why are we not being told the negative impacts of solar and wind? Qui bono?

 Dr. Annie Bukacek is committed to making Montana citizens the No. 1 most important special interest group. Thank you.

Scotia Brosnan