
Holmquist is a True Fiscal Conservative 

She continues to protect your property rights, your freedoms and your tax dollars

By Brad Abell

After two years of working alongside Pam Holmquist, I would like to urge my fellow citizens of Flathead County to support Pam Holmquist in the upcoming election. She continues to protect your property rights, your freedoms, your tax dollars and she works hard to protect public safety with her support of a 4% raise in the operating budget of the Sheriff’s Office in FY 2022 and a 15% raise in his operating budget for FY 2023 while only raising the amount of county taxes on a $200,000 home by less than a dollar. She is the true fiscal conservative in the commissioner race. 

I would also like to ask you to support the following conservative candidates; Terry Falk in HD 8, Lyn Bennett in HD 5, Braxton Mitchell in HD 3, Courtney Sprunger in HD 7 as well as two excellent picks for the Montana Supreme Court, James Brown, and Jim Rice. And last but certainly not least help us return control of the U.S. House of Representatives back to the Republicans and vote for Ryan Zinke. I have gotten to know these candidates personally over the last two years and can say they are real people who have a love for this great nation and for the state of Montana. 

Brad Abell 
Flathead County Commissioner